Greetings Anthrobots!
This really isn't what one would expect from an anthropological blog per se, but I have been inspired to bring together a collection of thoughts and interests that come up in my daily life.
I am an anthropology student, however, I do not pretend to be an expert in any way. I do believe that anthropology these days is becoming increasingly relevant to all
areas of study and life, therefore I present this blog. While being assigned to research anthropology blogs for a theory class, I decided that it would be something snazzy to come up with one of my own as a way of organizing my thoughts and resources in anthropology. (Plus this cool name came up in class and I am somewhat of a nerd.)
I am far from the politically correct anthropologist that is desired at a 4th year level, and
anything slightly offensive or uncouth is purely for entertainment purposes. In fact, I dislike most of the human species as a whole, and I think the global culture that has developed in much of the world is revolting.
On that note...
I hope that people who come across this (by my encouragement, or just by accident) will contribute their ideas with the aim of creating a delightful discussion and parietal-provoking pontification!
The Snark
you are sooooo snarky ALL THE TIME
i can't beleive i never saw it before
Interesting to know.
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